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April 2016 Update. I need to redo this page! Here’s the main hint to getting the best deal. Check out the page for each individual page for specific sales and book deals. Look out especially for smashwords discount coupon codes for these ebooks!

image_thumbA Worker’s Writebook: How Language Creates Stories By Jack Matthews. 2011
Price: $2.99 USD ; 75,000 words;Erudite & witty writing guide about the craft of fiction which Matthews passed out to his creative writing students at Ohio University.


Other Places to Buy Barnes and NobleLulu:  ITunes ; Amazon USA / UK/ DE / FR/ IT/ ES

blog-hanger-2 Hanger Stout, Awake! By Jack Matthews, 2012 (Originally published in 1967)
Price $2.99 USD ;Clyde Stout is a high school graduate in a small Ohio town; he loves tinkering with cars and dreaming about his girlfriend. He has interests and aspirations, but no definite goals. He is coasting….until he discovers he has a new talent: the ability to hang from a metal bar longer than anybody! This slender 150 page novel was first published by Harcourt in 1967 and reprinted several times. Hanger is no longer a boy and not yet an adult – but he finds himself in a world where older adults are constantly offering advice and supervision and alleged wisdom.

“gentle first novel told with a fine ear for adolescent patois.” Time Magazine

“I like it, and warmly admire his sturdy subject and delicately restrained treatment. It seemed to me blessed with honesty, clarity, directness, proportion and a lovely humor. . . .” Eudora Welty

Other Places to Buy Barnes and NobleLulu:  ITunes ; Amazon USA / UK/ DE / FR/ IT/ ES

blog-hanger-2 The Gambler’s Nephew By Jack Matthews, 2011 (by Etruscan Press)(Read Full Description and Reviews)

In his latest novel, Matthews returns to the 1850s, the time of his novel, Sassafras (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983)–a book “the young Mark Twain might write” if he came back to life, according to James Dickey, author of the best-selling novel, Deliverance. Here, in The Gambler’s Nephew, you will enter a world of slavery, abolitionist passion, murder, hypocrisy, grave-robbery, chicanery, holiness, memory, guilt and plain old-fashioned cussedness.

It’s a politically incorrect world of unrepentant capital punishment, when there were plenty of scoundrels just asking to be hanged by the neck until dead, thus coming as close as they could ever get to being civilized. In contrast, however, the reader will come upon the beauty and grandeur of the old steamboats plying the Ohio River, along with people troubled by such grand irrelevancies as love and tenderness. In short, The Gambler’s Nephew brings us a world as richly confused as our own–familiar yet different . . . and as alive as living can get.
“For a story focused on morality and rife with violence, The Gambler’s Nephew is surprisingly light-hearted. Many contemporary authors try to make you writhe under the weight of heavy philosophical issues, but Matthews would rather you shake your head and give a small smile.” Claire Bechman, PloughsharesPlaces to Buy the Print Book:  Barnes and Noble ;, Amazon USA / UKEtruscan Press Website

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